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Build policies

Xmake has many default behaviors, such as: automatic detection and mapping of flags, cross-target parallel construction, etc. Although it provides a certain amount of intelligent processing, it is difficult to adjust and may not meet all users' habits and needs.

Therefore, starting with v2.3.4, xmake provides modified settings for the default build strategy, which is open to users to a certain degree of configurability. It is mainly configured through the set_policy interface.

The usage is as follows:

set_policy("check.auto_ignore_flags", false)

You only need to set this configuration in the project root domain to disable the automatic detection and ignore mechanism of flags. In addition, set_policy can also take effect locally for a specific target.

target ("test")
    set_policy ("check.auto_ignore_flags", false)

!> In addition, if the set policy name is invalid, xmake will also have a warning prompt.

If you want to get a list and description of all the policy configurations supported by the current xmake, you can execute the following command:

$ xmake l core.project.policy.policies
  "check.auto_map_flags" = {
    type = "boolean",
    description = "Enable map gcc flags to the current compiler and linker automatically.",
    default = true
  "build.across_targets_in_parallel" = {
    type = "boolean",
    description = "Enable compile the source files for each target in parallel.",
    default = true
  "check.auto_ignore_flags" = {
    type = "boolean",
    description = "Enable check and ignore unsupported flags automatically.",
    default = true

We can also set up internal policy changes via the command line:

$ xmake f --policies=package.fetch_only

The policy name is set by default, which is the enabled state, but we can of course specify to set other values to disable it.

$ xmake f --policies=package.precompiled:n

Or configure multiple policy values at the same time, separated by commas.

$ xmake f --policies=package.precompiled:n,package.install_only


By default, xmake will automatically detect all the original flags set by the add_cxflags andadd_ldflags interfaces. If the current compiler and linker do not support them, they will be automatically ignored.

This is usually very useful. Like some optional compilation flags, it can be compiled normally even if it is not supported, but it is forced to set up. When compiling, other users may have a certain degree of difference due to the different support of the compiler. The compilation failed.

However, because automatic detection does not guarantee 100% reliability, sometimes there will be a certain degree of misjudgment, so some users do not like this setting (especially for cross-compilation tool chains, which are more likely to fail).

At present, if the detection fails in v2.3.4, there will be a warning prompt to prevent users from lying inexplicably, for example:

warning: add_ldflags("-static") is ignored, please pass `{force = true}` or call `set_policy("check.auto_ignore_flags", false)` if you want to set it.

According to the prompt, we can analyze and judge ourselves whether it is necessary to set this flags. One way is to pass:

add_ldflags("-static", {force = true})

To display the mandatory settings, skip automatic detection, which is an effective and fast way to deal with occasional flags failure, but for cross-compilation, if a bunch of flags settings cannot be detected, each set force Too tedious.

At this time, we can use set_policy to directly disable the default automatic detection behavior for a target or the entire project:

set_policy("check.auto_ignore_flags", false)

Then we can set various original flags at will, xmake will not automatically detect and ignore them.


This is another intelligent analysis and processing of flags by xmake. Usually, the configuration set by xmake built-in APIs like add_links,add_defines is cross-platform, and different compiler platforms will automatically process them into corresponding Original flags.

However, in some cases, users still need to set the original compilation link flags by add_cxflags, add_ldflags, these flags are not good cross compiler

Take -O0 compiler optimization flags. Althoughset_optimize is used to implement cross-compiler configuration, what if the user directly sets add_cxflags ("-O0 ")? It can be processed normally under gcc / clang, but it is not supported under msvc

Maybe we can use if is_plat () then to process by platform, but it is very cumbersome, so xmake has built-in automatic mapping function of flags.

Based on the popularity of gcc flags, xmake uses gcc's flags naming convention to automatically map it according to different compilations, for example:


This line setting is still -O0 under gcc/clang, but if it is currently msvc compiler, it will be automatically mapped to msvc corresponding to-Od compilation option to disable optimization.

Throughout the process, users are completely unaware, and can execute xmake directly to compile across compilers.

!> Of course, the current implementation of automatic mapping is not very mature. There is no 100% coverage of all gcc flags, so there are still many flags that are not mapped.

Some users do not like this automatic mapping behavior, so we can completely disable this default behavior through the following settings:

set_policy("check.auto_map_flags", false)


This strategy is also enabled by default and is mainly used to perform parallel builds between targets. In versions prior to v2.3.3, parallel builds can only target all source files within a single target.
For cross-target compilation, you must wait until the previous target is fully linked before you can execute the compilation of the next target, which will affect the compilation speed to a certain extent.

However, the source files of each target can be completely parallelized, and finally the link process is executed together. Versions after v2.3.3 through this optimization, the construction speed is increased by 30%.

Of course, if the build source files in some special targets depend on previous targets (especially in the case of some custom rules, although rarely encountered), we can also disable this optimization behavior through the following settings:

set_policy("build.across_targets_in_parallel", false)


Due to the limitation of set_policy(‘build.across_targets_in_parallel’, false), it will limit the parallelism between the parent target and all of its dependent subtargets, which is a bit wide.

When we do codegen, sometimes we just want to limit the parallelism of one of the dependent targets, as a codegen program, and let it finish compiling in advance.

In this case, build.cross_targets_in_parallel can't control it finely, and the compilation speed can't be optimised.

Therefore, we have added the build.fence policy, which restricts parallel compilation links to only certain sub-targets.

For background, see #5003.


    set_policy(‘build.fence’, true)


The autogen target needs to be compiled and linked before the source code of the test program is compiled, because the test target needs to run the autogen program to dynamically generate some source code to participate in the compilation.

The autogen configuration set_policy(‘build.fence’, true) does this.


If this policy is set, then the target libraries that are dependent on using add_deps() no longer exist as links, but are merged directly into the parent target library.


add_rules("mode.debug", "mode.release")



    add_deps("add", "sub")
    set_policy("build.merge_archive", true)


The libmul.a static library automatically merges the libadd.a and libsub.a sub-dependent static libraries.


Xmake has a built-in build cache enabled by default, which can be explicitly disabled by setting this policy.

set_policy("build.ccache", false)

Of course, we can also disable it on the command line.

$ xmake f --ccache=n


$ xmake f --policies=build.ccache:n


The default compilation usually does not echo the warning output in real time, we usually need to use xmake -w to turn it on, or to turn it on globally with xmake g --build_warning=y.

Now, we can also enable warning echo output by default in the xmake.lua configuration.

set_policy("build.warning", true)
set_warnings("all", "extra")

At this time, even if we execute the xmake command, the warning output can be echoed directly.


xmake v2.6.9 has improved support for link-time optimisation (LTO), with adaptations for different platforms such as gcc/clang/msvc, simply by enabling this policy to enable LTO for specific targets.

set_policy("build.optimization.lto", true)

We can also turn it on quickly via the command line option.

$ xmake f --policies=build.optimization.lto

Version 2.7.7 can be configured to show that device links to specific targets are turned on.

This is typically used for Cuda project builds, and for non-Cuda binary/shared dependencies on Cuda static targets, where the Cuda static target needs to show this configuration to turn on device linking.

    set_policy("build.cuda.devlink", true)

Whereas by default Cuda binary/shared is devlink enabled, we can also disable it via the policy display.

For a detailed background on this, see: #1976


Address Sanitizer (ASan) is a fast memory error detection tool that is built-in by the compiler, and usually requires -fsanitize-address to be configured in both the build and link flags to enable it correctly.

We can quickly enable it globally by turning on this policy, which will result in compiled programs that directly support ASan detection.

For example, we can enable it from the command line:

$ xmake f --policies=build.sanitizer.address

It can also be enabled globally via the interface configuration:

set_policy("build.sanitizer.address", true)

Of course, we can also enable it for a specific target individually.

Also, if we configure it globally, we can enable it for all dependencies at the same time.

set_policy("build.sanitizer.address", true)


It is equivalent to setting the asan configuration for each package in turn.

add_requires("zlib", {configs = {asan = true}})
add_requires("libpng", {configs = {asan = true}})

!> add_rules("mode.asan", "mode.tsan", "mode.ubsan", "mode.msan") will be deprecated, and these new strategies will be used whenever possible, as these build modes cannot take effect on dependent packages simultaneously.

Alternatively, we can validate multiple sanitizer inspections at the same time, e.g.:

set_policy("build.sanitizer.address", true)
set_policy("build.sanitizer.undefined", true)


$ xmake f --policies=build.sanitizer.address,build.sanitizer.undefined


Similar to build.sanitizer.address for detecting thread safety issues.


Similar to build.sanitizer.address for detecting memory issues.


Similar to build.sanitizer.address for detecting memory leaks.


Similar to build.sanitizer.address for detecting undefined issues.


This policy is used for the automatic generation of add_configfiles configuration files. By default, xmake only triggers the regeneration of configfiles the first time xmake config is done, or if the xmake.lua configuration is changed.

Each subsequent build will not regenerate configfiles as long as the configuration has not changed.

However, if we use a variable such as GIT_COMMIT in our configfiles and want to always regenerate the latest configuration for each build, we can configure it.

For background on how to use it, see: #4747


Configures whether to enable or disable internal subdirectories of the build.

By default, executing xmake to compile the project will automatically generate subdirectories in the build directory according to the platform, architecture, and compilation mode to store object files and target files respectively. For example:

└── macosx
    └── x86_64
        └── release

If this policy is disabled, the generated product will be directly generated in the build root directory. Become:

└─ test


Configures to enable or disable the target rpath setting during build.

By default, if target(foo) depends on the dynamic library bar, the generated foo executable file will automatically add bar's rpath, which ensures that users can directly execute the foo program and find bar correctly.

If you want to disable this behavior, you can explicitly configure it.


Although the rpath will be set for the built program, the rpath when it is built may not be completely applicable after xmake install is installed, so xmake will automatically modify and adjust the rpath so that the installed program can also find its dependent libraries.

However, the premise is that the user must first configure an independent installation rpath through add_rpathdirs("/xxx", {installonly = true}).

And we can also use this policy to disable the default installation phase rpath setting behavior.


This policy is used to adjust the behaviour of xmake run. By default, running xmake run does not build the target program automatically, but prompts the user to build it manually if it has not been compiled yet.

By turning on this policy, we can automatically build the target program before running it.

$ xmake f --policies=run.autobuild
$ xmake run

If you want this policy to take effect globally, you can turn it on globally.

$ xmake g --policies=run.autobuild


If this policy is turned off, then the cache will generate preprocessor files without linemarkers, which will greatly reduce the size of the preprocessor files.
This will greatly reduce the size of the preprocessor file and improve the efficiency of the cache, but the downside is that the source line information will be lost and if you encounter a compilation error, you will not be able to see the exact line of code that went wrong.


This is also used as a preprocessor policy and is enabled by default. This will improve the efficiency of compile cache preprocessing under gcc, but can lead to cache inconsistencies if the source file contains macros such as __DATE__, __TIME__, etc.

Therefore, you can turn this policy off as needed to ensure consistent results, depending on your project code.


Can be used to enable version locking of dependency packages introduced by add_requires().

see Dependent package lock and upgrade


Can be used to disable fetching of precompiled dependency packages under windows.


If this policy is enabled, then all dependencies will only be fetched from the system and not downloaded and installed from a remote location.


If this policy is enabled, then all dependencies will only be downloaded and installed remotely, not fetched from the system.


Disabled by default, if enabled then strict compatibility is maintained between the current package and all its library dependencies, any version update of a dependent package will force a recompile install of the current package.

This ensures that all packages are binary compatible and that no linking and runtime errors occur when linking with other installed packages due to changes to the interface of a dependent package.

    add_deps("bar", "zoo")
    set_policy("package.librarydeps.strict_compatibility", true)

For example, if there is an updated version of bar or zoo, then foo will also be recompiled and installed.


is disabled by default, if it is enabled then strict compatibility is maintained between the current package and all other packages that depend on it, and any version update of this package will force a recompile and install of the other parent packages.

This ensures that all packages are binary compatible and that no linking and runtime errors occur when linking with other installed packages due to changes in the interface of a dependent package.

    set_policy("package.strict_compatibility", true)



For example, if there is an updated version of foo, then both bar and zoo will be forced to be recompiled and installed.


This is useful for local integration of third-party source packages,
as the package will always be reinstalled each time xmake f -c is run to reconfigure it.

As the user may at any time need to modify the third party source code and recompile it for integration.

Previously it was only possible to trigger a recompile by changing the package version number each time,
but with this strategy it is possible to trigger a recompile each time.

add_rules("mode.debug", "mode.release")

    set_sourcedir(path.join(os.scriptdir(), "foo"))
    set_policy("package.install_always", true)
    on_install(function (package)
        local configs = {}
        table.insert(configs, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" . (package:debug() and "Debug" or "Release"))
        table.insert(configs, "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=" ... (package:config("shared") and "ON" or "OFF"))
        import("").install(package, configs)
    on_test(function (package)
        assert(package:has_cfuncs("add", {includes = "foo.h"}))



Setting http headers for package downloads

If some packages have url downloads that require specific http headers to be set in order to pass the download, this policy can be specified.

    set_policy("", "TEST1: foo", "TEST2: bar")

We can also set the http headers for the specified urls:

add_urls("$(version).tar.gz", {
    http_headers = {"TEST1: foo", "TEST2: bar"}


This policy allows us to quickly and easily setup and enable Windows UAC.

It supports the following levels:

Level Flag
invoker asInvoker
admin requireAdministrator
highest highestAvailable


set_policy("windows.manifest.uac", "admin")

It is equivalent to setting

if is_plat("windows") then
    add_ldflags("/manifest:embed", {"/manifestuac:level='requireAdministrator' uiAccess='false'"}, {force = true, expand = false})

But it's easier and cleaner, and doesn't need to judge the platform, other platforms are automatically ignored.


Sets uiAccess for Windows UAC, defaults to false if it is not set.

set_policy("windows.manifest.uac.ui", true)