This is a mirror page, please see the original page:!> Due to the author's limited personal energy, all the tool chains supported by xmake are not listed in this document, which will be gradually added later, and everyone is welcome to propose pr improvements or provide sponsored support document updates.
If the gcc toolchain is installed on linux, xmake will usually be detected and used first. Of course, we can also manually switch to gcc to build.
$ xmake f --toolchain=gcc -c
$ xmake
Use the specified version of Gcc
If the user additionally installs a specific version of the gcc tool chain such as gcc-11, gcc-10, the local gcc program may be named /usr/bin/gcc-11
One way is to switch by specifying the configuration one by one through xmake f --cc=gcc-11 --cxx=gcc-11 --ld=g++-11
, but it is very cumbersome.
Therefore, xmake also provides a faster switching method:
$ xmake f --toolchain=gcc-11 -c
$ xmake
You only need to specify the version name corresponding to gcc-11
to quickly switch the entire gcc tool chain.
In macOS and linux, usually xmake will try to automatically detect and use it first. Of course, we can also switch manually.
$ xmake f --toolchain=clang -c
$ xmake
On Windows, it will automatically load the msvc environment.
In addition, we also support PortableBuildTools + clang environment:
$ xmake f -c --sdk=C:/BuildTools --toolchain=clang
$ xmake -v
[50%]: cache compiling.release src\main.cpp C:\Users\star\scoop\apps\llvm\current\bin\clang -c -Qunused-arguments -m64 --target=x86_64-windows-msvc -fexceptions -fcxx-exceptions -o build\.objs\test\windows\x64\release\src\main.cpp.obj src\main.cpp
[75%]: linking.release test.exe C:\Users\star\scoop\apps\llvm\current\bin\clang++ -o build\windows\x64\release\test.exe build\.objs\test\windows\x64\release\src\main.cpp.obj -m64 --target=x86_64-windows-msvc
[100%]: build ok, spent 0.235s
If you simply switch to the clang-cl.exe compiler, and use msvc for the rest of the link operation, then we don't need to switch the entire tool chain, just cut the c/c++ compiler.
$ xmake f --cc=clang-cl --cxx=clang-cl -c
$ xmake
Since xmake v2.7.2, there's also a dedicated clang-cl toolchain. The advantage of using the clang-cl toolchain over the msvc one is that on windows, the--vs_toolset
option will be handled correctly.
You can use it by running:
$ xmake f --toolchain=clang-cl
$ xmake
In addition to the independent clang compiler, if the user installs a complete llvm tool chain, we can also switch to it, including tools such as llvm-ar
$ xmake f --toolchain=llvm --sdk=/xxxx/llvm
$ xmake
If it is a manually downloaded llvm sdk, we need to specify the llvm sdk root directory to ensure that xmake can find it. Of course, if the user has installed it in the PATH directory, the setting of the --sdk
parameter is also optional.
v2.5.9 xmake adds support for the circle compiler. This is a new C++20 compiler with some interesting compile-time meta-programming features. Those who are interested can check it out on the official website:
$ xmake f --toolchain=circle
$ xmake
Tiny C Compiler is very lightweight. In some cases where you don’t want to install heavy-weight compilers such as msvc/llvm, you may use it to quickly compile some c code.
$ xmake f --toolchain=tinycc
$ xmake
When using it, please add the tinycc compiler to the PATH environment.
We can also use the remote tool chain to automatically download and integrate it, and truly achieve one-click compilation on all platforms without any manual installation operations by users.
Armcc for Keil/MDK
v2.5.9 added toolchain support for armcc under Keil/MDK, see related issue: #1753
xmake f -p cross -a cortex-m3 --toolchain=armcc -c
This toolchain is mainly used for embedded cross-compilation, so the -p cross
cross-compilation platform is specified, and the cpu used by -a cortex-m3
is specified, and the -a/--arch
parameter is reused here.
Armclang for Keil/MDK
v2.5.9 adds toolchain support for armclang under Keil/MDK. For related issues, see: #1753
xmake f -p cross -a cortex-m3 --toolchain=armclang -c
This toolchain is mainly used for embedded cross-compilation, so the -p cross
cross-compilation platform is specified, and the cpu used by -a cortex-m3
is specified, and the -a/--arch
parameter is reused here.
Another cross toolchain for embedded arm, official website:
$ xmake f --toolchain=gnu-rm -c
$ xmake
It is also an embedded arm compilation tool chain.
$ xmake f --toolchain=sdcc -a stm8
$ xmake
We can specify -a stm8
to switch the cpu architecture, currently supported are:
The mingw toolchain is very commonly used and is available on all platforms. We can just switch the relevant toolchain:
$ xmake f --toolchain=mingw -c
$ xmake
However, in this way, the suffixes of some target files do not match exactly, so it is recommended to switch to the mingw platform for compilation and to support the download of dependent packages.
$ xmake f -p mingw -c
$ xmake
xmake will automatically detect the location of the mingw toolchain by default, macOS and msys/mingw64 environments can usually be automatically detected, if detected, you can also manually specify the mingw sdk path.
$ xmake f -p mingw --mingw=/xxx/mingw -c
$ xmake
Note that --mingw
is used here instead of --sdk
. In fact, both are ok, but the use of --mingw
as a single parameter can better ensure that other cross-compilation toolchains do not conflict.
This is actually a project independent of Mingw, the usage is completely the same as Mingw, but it is based on LLVM, and provides arm/arm64 and other more architecture support, not just i386/x86_64
$ xmake f -p mingw -a arm64 --mingw=/xxx/llvm-mingw -c
$ xmake
If you want to use the arm/arm64 architecture of llvm-mingw, you need to specify the additional -a arm64
parameter. In addition, the default xmake of llvm-mingw may not be able to detect it, and you need to set the sdk path additionally.
If you want to build a Zig program, we can automatically use the zig tool chain by executing xmake by default, but the premise is that zig is already in the PATH environment.
$ xmake
Of course, we can also set it manually.
$ xmake f --toolchain=zig -c
$ xmake
You can also specify the path of the zig compiler.
$ xmake f --toolchain=zig --zc=/xxxx/zig -c
$ xmake
Zig CC
We can also use the zig cc
compiler provided by zig to compile C/C++ code.
$ xmake f --cc="zig cc" --cxx="zig cc" --ld="zig c++" -c
$ xmake
Cross compilation
In addition, we can also use zig to achieve cross-compilation.
$ xmake f -p cross --cross=riscv64-linux-musl --toolchain=zig
$ xmake
Or compile the arm64 architecture:
$ xmake f --toolchain=zig -a arm64 -c
$ xmake
Emcc (WASM)
If you want to compile the wasm program, we only need to switch to the wasm platform, and the emcc tool chain will be used to compile by default.
$ xmake f -p wasm
$ xmake
Wasi (WASM)
This is another Wasm toolchain with WASI enabled, and we need to switch it manually.
$ xmake f -p wasm --toolchain=wasi
$ xmake
Icc (Intel C/C++ Compiler)
We can also switch to Intel's C/C++ compiler to use.
$ xmake f --toolchain=icc -c
$ xmake
Ifort (Intel Fortain Compiler)
We can also switch to Intel's Fortran compiler to use.
$ xmake f --toolchain=ifort -c
$ xmake
In addition to Intel's Fortran compiler, we also have the gnu fortran compiler available.
$ xmake f --toolchain=gfortran -c
$ xmake
fpc (Free Pascal)
For pascal programs, xmake will use the fpc compiler to compile by default.
$ xmake
Of course, we can also switch manually.
$ xmake f --toolchain=fpc -c
$ xmake
For dlang programs, xmake will use the dmd compiler to compile by default.
$ xmake
Of course, we can also switch manually.
$ xmake f --toolchain=dlang -c
$ xmake
It should be noted that the dlang toolchain here actually includes automatic detection and switching of dmd
, ldc2
and gdc
For Cuda programs, we need to manually switch to the cuda tool chain.
$ xmake f --toolchain=cuda -c
$ xmake
We can also manually switch the C/C++ compiler called internally by nvcc.
$ xmake f --toolchain=cuda --cu-ccbin=clang -c
$ xmake
Regarding the independent assembler tool chain, xmake supports three: yasm, nasm, and fasm, which can be switched at will. If not set, the assembler that comes with gcc/clang/msvc will be used by default.
$ xmake f --toolchain=nasm -c
$ xmake
You can also specify the assembler path separately
$ xmake f --toolchain=nasm --as=/xxx/nasm -c
$ xmake
The golang compiler tool chain is automatically enabled when compiling go programs by default.
$ xmake
The rust compiler tool chain is automatically enabled when the rust program is compiled by default.
$ xmake
At present, the rust toolchain can also support cross-compilation environments such as android.
$ xmake f -p android --ndk=~/android-ndk-r20b -c
$ xmake
Android's NDK compilation tool chain, as long as the android platform is enabled, it will be enabled by default.
$ xmake f -p android --ndk=~/android-ndk-r20b -c
$ xmake
If the --ndk
parameter is not specified, xmake will also detect it from the AndroidSDK/ndk-bundle directory and environment variables such as $ANDROID_NDK_HOME
, etc. by default.
In addition, we can also set the global xmake g --ndk=
configuration to avoid repeated settings each time.